Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fashion war in Bangalore

Fashion war in Bangalore

With a new fashion weekend ready to take on the city's fashion week, the similarity in the titles has the organizers battling it out

There's nothing as exciting as a little disharmony in showbiz. The fashion scene in Bangalore may not be as vibrant as in Mumbai or Delhi, but an interesting title tussle between the organizers of two upcoming dos in the city may provide just the right spark. The promoters of the Bangalore Fashion Week, which has had seven editions so far, are now arming themselves to protect their name, as a new event called the Bangalore Fashion Weekend is on the anvil.

Feroz Khan, of the Bangalore Fashion Week (BFW), says, "We will not allow people to alter the name and have an event by banking on our popularity. One can have another fashion event in the city; we have no issues with that, but only as long as it doesn't interfere or piggyback on our name. What is the point of trademark and copyright laws if we aren't allowed ownership of titles that we've registered."

Meanwhile, Prasad Bidapa, who is organizing the Bangalore Fashion Weekend, defends his event. "This is going to be a twoday event with brands and designers exclusively from the city. Unlike the other event, where most of the city's fashion fraternity does not partake in the shows, this will have all the big names from the industry participating. We had registered the logo for Bangalore Fashion Weekend long ago."

And while Prasad is ready to take on the BFW head-on, it is interesting to note that the latter has in the past managed to stop events with similar titles. These include names like the Bangalore International Fashion Week and Bangalore Couture Week. Feroz says, " We have sought the opinion of our legal team to take care of this event too, as we want to protect the interest of the brand that we've built over the past four years."

Prasad, who was in Colombo for an event when we spoke to him, says, "We are keen on promoting our designers as we will have big buyers attending the fashion weekend. Once I'm back in Bangalore, I will deal with all other issues, if there are any."

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